Easter is the season in the Church when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We center our songs and Scripture and reflections on how this has changed everything for us. Every day we are invited into his death and resurrection, dying to our hurtful ways and rising to new life. “We are witnesses to these things,” as Peter says in Acts. Witnesses to what God has done and is doing.
I wonder if we may take this time to foster our wonder and curiosity - something children are often far better at than adults. What are we witnessing? What would it be like to go searching in wonder…looking in every “nook and cranny,” under every place we have left forgotten, in every place we have feared is dead, in the most ordinary moments of our day. Where is the new life? Is it here? Or here? How about here? Do you s’pose?
We are witnesses. God is doing new things; God is bringing forth life; God is present in our most difficult experiences. We are a community of witnesses: asking each other, cheering and supporting each other, wondering and seeking together, even reminding one another of the joy of discovery after we have forgotten. The Easter Basket full of chocolate is really worth finding.
Let us foster our wonder and curiosity as we seek to witness what God is doing among us. Let us show up and welcome one another in our seeking and ask “Do you s’pose?”
Pastor Liz