Martin Luther believed the Christian Worship was for the people and by the people. We acknowledge the privilege and responsibility of his belief and call for everyone’s involvement in some way or another. Lutheran Church of Hope has “Faith and Care” Groups to help with the ministry of our church. Please consider ways you can give your offering of time. Descriptions of the jobs are listed below.
- Communion Preparers--Volunteers prepare the bread, wine and grape juice for Holy Communion including set-up & post-service clean up.
- Readers--Participants in this ministry read the week’s scriptures with the congregation during the service.
- Ushers and Sanctuary Clean Up--Ushers help hand out bulletins and special worship books (if needed) at the beginning of the service, direct flow at communion and assist Pastor as needed. Count the attendance and note it on the clipboard in the coat room. After worship, go through the sanctuary and clean up pews and make sure there are offering envelopes, visitor cards and sharpened pencils in each pew.
- Fellowship Hosts--Hosts prepare coffee and cookies for the congregation to provide a pleasant space for fellowship following the worship service, and clean up afterwards.